7GB of data per month. No peak or off peak limitations.
Free mailbox and access to MyInbox - online webmail.
7.2Mbps for downloads and 2.4Mbps for uploads.
Data Charges
Cost of 1 MB of data (included in allowance) is $0.00671
Excess data above your included allowance is charged at 20c p/MB
International Roaming Charges
$2 p/MB
There is no shaping on Wireless Broadband plans.
Important Information
Things You Need to Know
General Terms
Check coverage at optus.com.au/coverage. To access the 3G dual band network you need a 3G dual band device (2100Mhz/900Mhz).
Usage is calculated/charged in per KB blocks.
Both downloads and uploads count towards your monthly data quota.
Offer only available on a 24-Month Agreement.
Upload and Download speeds quoted are theoretical maximums,
providing optimal circumstances for connection on a dual-band
compatible device. Actual speeds obtained may vary and are dependant on factors including operating environment, location, weather conditions, network usage, electrical interference, hardware utilising the service, and signal strength.
All charges quoted are inclusive of GST.
General Fees & Charges
You will be charged extra if you exceed your usage allowance, at the rate of 20 cents per MB
A fee of $50 applies when switching to a plan of equal or lesser value (we'll cover this fee if you are switching to a higher plan).
Early Termination Fee (ETF): Monthly Installment due for every month remaining in the term of your 24-Month Agreement. For example, if you decide to cancel during the 13th month of your contract, ETF is
calculated at 12 x $75 = $900 on the Wireless Infinite plan.
What Payment Methods do we accept?
BPAY through your Bank
Post Billpay
At any Australia Post Office
Over the Phone
Automated pay by Phone Service
Pay via our website with your Customer Number & Password
Direct Debit
Direct Deposit to our Bank Account
Mail Cheque or Money Order
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On AustraliaAll Rights ReservedComments