Switched On Australia - it's your call

Switched On Australia - FAQs

FAQWe collected the most frequently asked questions below, enjoy!!

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  • Who is Switched On Victoria?

    Switched On is a 100% Australian owned and operated "full service" telecommunications retailer. We operate all around Australia! We offer significant discounts to residential, business, mobile and internet customers simply by paying your account(s) on time! We believe that people should have the right to communicate at the best possible price, with no loss in quality. All profits stay in Australia and cre te jobs for people in Australia!

  • Will my number change?

    Through working closely with Australia’s other telecommunications networks, we’ve managed to create a diverse a range of packages, perfect for whatever your personal or professional needs might be. If you become a Switched On pre-selected customer, you will get our best rates for local, international, national (STD), and calls to mobiles. You will also have the added advantage of not having to put a prefix in front of every number you call.

  • What is full service?

    When you join Switched On Full Service (all your telephone charges), you are authorising your entire account (not just the one number) to be transferred to Switched On. What that means is that all of the services which appeared on your Telstra bill, will now be billed for you by Switched On . Please make sure that you know what numbers are on your account before authorising the transfer to Switched On.

  • Am I changing my network?

    Generally, no. Your fixed line service(s) and equipment will remain on the same network. The fault handling you have always been happy with will remain the same too. There will be no disruption to your lines and the same technicians will continue to fix any faults, should they arise. However it is important to note that for other services, such as mobile phones, a change of network provider may be required.

  • Are there any costs or charges involved in changing over?

    No. Your service(s) and equipment will remain on the same network. The fault handling you have always been happy with will remain the same too. There will be no disruption to your lines and the same Telstra Technician will continue to fix any faults, should they arise.

  • Will my number change?

    No. You can keep the same number.

  • How do I add/change who the account holder is on my account?

    If you want to add/change details, talk to our customer support team. He or she will need to confirm the new account holder’s information. To protect customers’ details, the current account holder is the only person we can communicate with. The new account holder will need to give their explicit informed consent via a voice recording if they wish to become a Switched On account holder.

  • I am experiencing a fault. How do I report and resolve it?

    If you have a fault with your land line, mobile service, internet service or modem, call our technical support team on 1300 455 620 and follow the prompts. We are open between the hours of 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm Saturday or 9am to 5pm Sunday (AEST). Once you’ve done that: a. The fault will be reported and investigated b. If it is a network fault, it will be fixed as soon as possible c. If it is a line fault, a Telstra technician will attend your property as usual Our customer support team are happy to explain the charges on your account, or assist you with any other new services you require.

  • I’ve got other services. Can Switched On supply those to?

    Yes. Switched On can combine your home phone, internet and mobile phone all on one, easy to read, itemised monthly bill. There is no need to change your existing phone numbers. Please contact your account manager for more information.

  • What happens to my message bank with my previous service provider/retailer?

    Switched On does not offer the same message bank service. We use our own service, which allows you to leave your own personal greeting and access your messages with a pin code from any land line in Australia. Please contact our customer support team to activate this service*.

  • What happens if I am in credit with my current provider/retailer?

    Any credit you have, or are owed, will be credited back to you on your final account. Any outstanding credit will normally be reimbursed - usually in the form of a cheque.

  • How long does it take to transfer to Switched On from my current service provider/retailer?

    This depends on which services you are bringing across. However, it is a very simple process that usually only takes 10 business days. All phone companies have 30 days to release services so please bear this in mind.

  • Does every call I make go through Switched On?

    Yes, unless you dial an over-ride code. You are a Pre-Selected customer and all your calls (including line rental) will go through the Switched On network. Charges will be sent out on one itemised bill. If you dial an over-ride code to use another service provider for your long distance calls, you will also receive a separate account for their call charges.

  • If I am Pre-Selected to the Switched On network, but then I decide that I would like to cancel my account with Switched On, how do I go about it?

    If you would like another service provider to be your local and/or long distance carrier you will need to contact that service provider who will arrange to transfer your service across. They will then be responsible for transferring your local and/or long distance component across to them. Until the transfer is complete, remember to dial the new company's over-ride code to ensure your calls will travel with their network.

  • I used to get a discount on my local calls with Telstra; can I still get it with Switched On?

    Once you join Switched On for “Full Service,” we will try to match any discounts and incentives that you received from Telstra, you will, however always receive Switched On’s great rates for your international, long distance calls, calls to mobiles and local calls.

  • What are Administration Fees on my account(s) for?

    Administration fees are for billing, payment fees, payment reversals and late payment charges.

  • Can I transfer my 1300 and /or 1800 numbers to Switched On for a saving?

    Yes, we can arrange to “port” your inbound and/or free call numbers from your current provider as well as offer you extremely competitive rates.

  • How do I request new lines, relocations, and other product upgrades and services such as line hunt and message bank, etc?

    Please talk to our customer support team; who can organise all of these and more.

  • I have many service numbers on my bill that I am unable to easily recognise. Have you an option available that will aid me in recognising these?

    Sure, we are able to place what is known as a “User Name” onto your account. This will appear on the right hand side of the service number and will aid you to recognise the numbers.

  • How do I remove my handset fee on my bill?

    If you have a handset fee on your bill it means that you have a Telstra phone on your property. If you no longer have that phone or it has been returned, you can call customer service and provide the details of when it was returned and we can process that charged to be removed. If you no longer need the phone we can arrange for you to return it via a Telstra shop or the post office. Simply call customer service to arrange this.