We know we make mistakes sometimes…
You can post a written complaint using a mail delivery service addressed to:
Customer Relations
Suite 14
202-220 Ferntree Gully Rd,
Clayton VIC 3168
You are able to send an email directly to with the details of your complaint and any documentation. You can also use the below form to submit a complaint using the internet.
Speak to one of our customer service staff on 1300 455 620 between the hours of 9:00am and 5:30pm AEST, Mon-Fri (excluding public holidays).
You are able to fax us a complaint and any documentation to:1300 038 595.
Further information
Further information on how we handle complaints can be found in our complaints handling process document available here.
When we receive a complaint
When you call Switched On, out customer service representative will aim to resolve your issue with you on the spot.
If you are not satisfied with the resolution or the investigation of your complaint it will be escalated to the the next level of management, or a Case Manager in a specialised customer relations area. The manager of your complaint will deal with you personally to discuss your complaint and the resolutions you have been offered.
If we remain unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction you can contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO). The TIO is an office of last resort for complaints about telecommunications services.
Switched On asks that if you do have a complaint, you give us the chance to resolve it before going to the TIO. If you have not raised the complaint with Switched On previously, the TIO will instruct you to contact us and attempt to resolve the complaint prior to contacting them further.
Complaint Form
Please allow up to 24 hours for a reply.